Sunday, May 2, 2010

Infinity Fine Art

Wordle: Infinity Fine Art
I found a new web site that you can use to generate cool graphics. It's called and the graphic you create is called a Wordle. You simply type text into a text box and the Java Applet randomizes the words into a file you can print screen and save. Try it out but I caution that it can be addictive. No more so than Facebook, of course.

Just click the image above and it will take you to the size for a larger view of the image. If you then click "Home", you will be on the page where you can create your own Wordle.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tuesday January 26, 2010 - Thomas Kinkade Gallery, Hamilton Place Mall, Chattanooga, TN

By Linda Leonard

Interesting how art invokes emotion.

A couple in their late sixties stopped by the Gallery today. As they browsed, they paused and stood looking at "Moments To Remember", then, the wife said "Those were harder, but simpler times" - to which the husband replied "I'd trade every thing I have today to go back to then".

Mark Keathley would be proud that his piece stirred those memories!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mark Keathley's newest release

Quiet Encounter by Mark Keathley

"In Quiet Encounter, I tried to capture the best elements of nature in the most beautifully visual way possible. It has turned out to be one of my most colorful paintings -- yet a very peaceful image. Stimulating colors often stimulate the senses visually and keep one "up". Somehow, however, the lazy trickle of the stream and the crispness of the air in this eastern mountain landscape invite me to rest on a big rock and soak it in. Then out of nowhere appear a couple of whitetail deer and some wild turkeys and wallah! A moment you'd never forget."

~ Mark Keathley

Mark Keathley has visited the Smoky Mountain National Park on several occasions. The waterfalls and streams within and surrounding the park offer a wealth of material for an artist to paint. It would not be unusual to come across a scene like the one in Mark's newest painting. Wildlife has been a subject for many of Mark's paintings. An avid outdoors man, Mark enjoys taking camera in hand and hiking the remote trails to "hunt" the latest focus for a new work of art.

"I hope you enjoy Quiet Encounter as much as I enjoyed creating it. I love coming across scenes like this and taking time to sit and drink in nature's quiet moments like this". ~ Mark Keathley

Mark's art is published by Infinity Fine Art and can be purchased on line on the web site at Art of the South.